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    Friday, March 30, 2007

    Sorrowful eyes - Ep6

    Joey: Hey, we need to talk.

    Lizzie: (Damn, it's you again) What? We?

    Joey: Yeah, come!

    Lizzie: Can't we talk here?

    Joey: I need a more comfortable place to talk. I mean we.

    (Lizzie paused for a few seconds)

    Lizzie: Alright then.

    Then, Joey went towards the Oiishi Restaurant.

    Lizzie: (Thinking) What? Bring me to this place to talk? Is he crazy?

    Joey saw Lizzie still standing right in front of the entrance looking up and down, left and right.

    Joey: Hey! Come in!

    Lizzie: Huh? You bring me to this place to talk?

    Joey: What's wrong?

    Lizzie was so confused. But then, slowly she moved her feet and stepped into the restaurant with lots of questions in her mind.

    Waiter: May I have your order please?

    Joey: Number 235 and a set of Salmon Sushi. Fresh orange juice please.

    Joey smiled when noticed Lizzie had a hard time choosing something to eat from the menu.

    Lizzie: Err... Give me a glass of plain water, please.

    Joey: Huh?

    Lizzie: Err... No! Fresh orange juice too please, Thank you.

    Joey handed back the menu to the waiter.

    Joey: What's your name?

    Lizzie: Err...err.. Lizzie.

    Joey: Hi, Lizzie! Nice to meet you.

    Lizzie: Huh? Err.. yeah...

    Joey: Lizzie, I'm waiting.

    Lizzie: Huh? Waiting? Waiting for who?

    Joey: Waiting for you to say sorry to me.

    Lizzie: What! You...

    Lorna: JOEY?

    to be continue....

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