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    Wednesday, July 11, 2007

    Life without internet if staying in UMP

    I was totally mad when realized that there is no internet connection at KK2 in UMP. I was worried, don't know why. Actually, there is internet connection but the signal is very very low. The highest, strongest wireless signal I can get is just 'Very Low'! What da...

    So, don't expect me to update my blog frequently. Unless I have to stay at the KMC the whole day. But soon I will always be at the KMC more often as I will receive my new bicycle soon. Huhu~

    So, life without internet... BORING!!!

    Watching movies and dramas, loitering outside the house with friends, sleeping...


    buTTerFLowEr said...

    poor loey... xdpt internet. kuktem w/o internet sounds like hell :P

    pyroboy1911 said...

    for u, no internet, no shiok...for me, no internet, no life!!!