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    Sunday, June 24, 2007

    My Masterpiece!

    I went into my store room and found this...

    >>>My Masterpiece<<<

    Got my name written on it. Hmm... 7 years ago...

    Really wish I could go back to Art...


    Anonymous said...

    whoa loey!
    i'm really amazed by ur talent m(-o-)m

    Loey said...

    Haha... thanx anyway! I went for art tuition for 3 years starting form 1 with my bro. Thats the only drawing for 3 years which I dare to frame it!

    buTTerFLowEr said...

    whoaaa... it really is urs? im damn impressed!!! teach me! teach me!

    Loey said...

    Yes, i swear it's mine! Teach u??? It takes time larrr... :)

    pyroboy1911 said...

    yea, i remember that pic...u using sponge technique or sumthing rite?

    Loey said...

    yeah, sumthing like that to do the trees/jungle. Actually I use Kain kasa, the one we use to cover our wound. it is better than using sponge. The tree will look more real using that.

    betho said...

    I taught my brother to draw that pic...c how good i am :)

    Loey said...

    Ceh, i'm the one who teach you baru betul!!! :P