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    Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    An Evening Trip to Bekelah Waterfall

    Last few weeks, me, my housemates and some friends went to Bekelah's waterfall. Well, it's about less than an hour to reach there. But still we have to walk deeper into the jungle till we reached the waterfall. It feels like jungle trekking..

    There you go...

    Nice hilly scenery

    Saw this signbord while on the way to the waterfall.
    Errr... bombs? Explosives?

    Interviewed by Mastika

    That's what I called 'jungle trekking' before reaching the waterfall.

    Rocky path

    That's it!

    Fakh was trying to test his floating skill and I helped him.

    It's about time to leave.

    We saw an underwear left by one of the visitors who rushed back home, without err... 'underwear'?

    And I played with it. (I didn't touch it, ok?)

    As a memory...

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