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    Sunday, April 01, 2007

    Dirty Job but Professional

    ~At last Annual Dinner's tasks finished. Now, getting back to the real Me! Hehe... Loey, let's get back to work! Yeah!~

    I like Civil engineering. That's why I'm taking it. I already have this Civil engineering experience since I was in Form 5; working with my uncle in Miri. Well, those who are not in the Civil engineering field might probably think that Civil engineering is a very hard/tough field (probably boring~).

    Yeah, it's true! Yet it's very professional. If you are taking this course, teamworking must be at the highest level. Besides that, you will get dirty sometimes. Why? You will 'play' with sand, soil, asphalt err... and many more. And don't be surprise if you are going to get a sunburn in the 1st year if you are taking Civil engineering. Haha...

    Hmm... sometimes it's fun! I can see those who are taking civil engineering have no problem in this field. Lots of site visits making it fun and enjoyable...

    Oh yes... Want to know why I say Civil Engineering job is dirty but professional? Come! I'll show you!

    Preparing and getting ready for the mission...



    Last checking

    Then... Grab and push!!! Haha~
    (Damn it, don't laugh!)

    Usually, there's always a cameraman when a work is in progress

    When you are working with your boss beside you, you have to do it without mistakes or else, you have to do it one more time.

    Sometimes, you deserve the praises from your boss because of the excellent products.

    Back to the previous picture, this picture is taken at another view.
    (Architectural plans should have plan view, rear view and elevation view, right? Don't you think it looks like he is err...err...)

    Well, usually you will get tired easily when you worked too hard. But sometimes it's fun!

    But for those who are not involve with the work will easily get bored!
    Don't worry coz' you will get the chance.

    Hmm... Fun, huh?

    Yeah, mission accomplished!

    So, don't you think it's dirty? You need to play with the sand and soil. Hmm... dirty, dirty, dirty.

    One day, the girls should involve more. Not fair for the boys. Don't you think?

    ~Duh, my Mandarin assignments! Argh!!!~

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